The Fusion Ability Cards that can be used in play with the Maxus Helios are the following: The Haos Sheria adds 500 Gs to Maxus Helios through the Spindle.The Darkus Magalena decreases 300 Gs from the opponent through the Foxbat.The Subterra Gravity adds 400 Gs to Maxus Helios through the Scraper.The Darkus Slay decreases 400 Gs from the opponent through the Foxbat.The Subterra Spartan adds 200 Gs to Maxus Helios through the Scraper.The Ventus Air Saw decreases 200 Gs frmot he opponent through the Klawgor.
The Pyrus Spear adds 200 Gs to Maxus Helios through the Fencer.FARBAS is a particular ability that heals all damage done to the Maxus Helios and brings its power level the sme to that of the opponent if it is higher than his.The Ability Cards that can be used in play with Maxus Helios are the following: Each Bakugan has a small 'peg' that you can fold out and is used to attach it to a different bakugan to form the Maxus Helios. Fused as one, however, it becomes a very devastating force. Each of these Bakugan can also be used individually in a brawler battle. The Bakugan Maxus Helios is an ultimate Dragonoid Bakugan that is the fusion of seven different Bakugan - Cyborg Helios, Scraper, Klawgor, Foxbat, Fencer, Leefram, and Spindle.